Saturday, December 19, 2009

Surprise at the Airport

Here is a video I shot as we were at the Honolulu airport heading to Denver. Tina thought we were on our way back to Sydney!

Once we were at the airport, Tina didn't notice that we were going through an agricultural checkpoint for mainland USA flights. They made Tina throw away her fruit; which she planed to eat on the flight. She was angry when she realized she was in the "wrong" line and lost her fruit! The video shows me explaining that she shouldn't be angry about the fruit because we were in the RIGHT line and going to the US mainland.

She seemed confused about the camera, but just thought I was being silly.


  1. This is the sweetest thing I've seen in a long time!! Precious!!

  2. Oh YEAH!!!!! Who wouldn't cry seeing this Johnno! I just cant believe you had the camera 'prepped and ready to roll"!!!! Well done mi amigo! Now I can't wait to see her reaction once she realises that after Christmas she STILL isn't coming back to Sydney (just yet).... :))))

  3. Okay - You win the best husband award - EVER! I think I can speak for the ENTIRE home group! Paul say, "World"!

  4. Precious is a great word. Good job bro:)

  5. Wow John i agree with Christina and Paul you get best husband for the universe, wow i am soo glad my sisterita is married to you, she so deserves this trip and so do you, i balled my eyes out when i seen this..... ADORABLE JUST ADORABLE
    Love Fajita
